"Enhance Your Self-Esteem"
Post on: February 22, 2022
Self-esteem is a topic that is close to our hearts – whole books have been dedicated to expounding the subject. However, we have attempted to explain it in simple terms where the essence of it is succinctly captured.
In a nutshell, self-esteem can be termed as how a person feels about himself or herself. It can be used to describe a person’s overall sense of self-worth or personal value.
The feeling fluctuates – one day, you may feel on top of the world while feeling miserable the next day. It is normal to have self-doubts occasionally; however, feeling doubtful about oneself frequently can be detrimental. It makes you feel insecure and unmotivated.
7 Ways to enhance your self-esteem
- Perform a kind deed to someone – When we do something good, our negativity changes focus and we tend to think positive about ourselves. Despite our shortcomings and adverse situation, when we help someone with a greater need than us, our sense of despair will have melted in the warmth shown towards the person in need. In the depths of our pain, we would discover immense courage and self-esteem through our selfless deed.
- Do not dwell in perfectionism – You should strive to do the best in your endeavours; however, if you do not meet the expectations, do not brood over it nor wallow in self-pity. Perfectionists are highly critical of themselves which can result negatively in their day-to-day life. Nobody is perfect — we all make mistakes. So, do not be too harsh on yourself.
- Exercise – Exercise is something we all can identify with; however, most discount this as something trivial. Exercise has a profound effect on your well-being – it goes to show that you can set goals and achieve the intended results. Pushing yourself towards your goal in terms of attaining the ideal weight or sculpting your physique like Sylvester Stallone or simply, towards a better build would have a tremendous effect on your self-esteem. It goes to show you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. Exercise also releases endorphins, the feel-good hormone, a chemical in the brain which relieves stress and boosts our mood.
- Do the things which makes you happy – Take time to relax sometimes – do the things you enjoy, be it reading, watching movies or just sipping a cappuccino in a coffee joint while watching the world go by. Usually, we tend to think positively if we spend time doing the things we enjoy. However, a word of caution — refrain from the “undesirables” which makes you feel happy. These objectionable deeds may cause fleeting relief but can further aggravate your situation.
- Recognise your strengths — A person may not be academically inclined as his peers but may excel in another field e.g., being a gifted musician. We should not typecast that being a musician would relegate one into mediocrity. Everyone has his abilities. A full-time musician can contribute economically to society just like everyone else. Furthermore, many amongst us would have secretly aspired to be a musician. Music is a form of communication which is divine, and musicians are the conduits to such a mode of transmission, expressing emotions so melodiously. Your strength may be in the form of music, driving, writing or carpentry. In times of doubt, recognise the feelings of confidence your strengths engender.
- Overcome your inner critic. This is the inner voice that gives you internal commentaries on what you are capable of and this voice is highly critical and negative! Do not let your inner critic go overboard. There are many approaches to outwit this phenomenon. One way is to treat it as an enemy which has to be ignored and eradicated. “If you hear a voice within you say, ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced,” Vincent Van Gogh.
- Be your own person – wanting to be like someone else does not solve the problem. People with low self-esteem see others as superior beings and succumb to their superiority. It’s good to have mentors whom we can emulate and uplift our standing. But it doesn’t help us when we feel undeserving and subservient to those whom we admire. This is surprising but works wonders – when we make a mental shift that we are on par with them, our self-confidence rises a notch.
The Jolly Good Times espouses self-esteem to permeate our everyday lives – it is the most attractive quality to possess. Before the world sees how great you are, you have to see it for yourself first.
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