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Impressive Words to Use in Everyday Conversation

January 2, 2024

There is a correlation between increasing your vocabulary and the ability to communicate more effectively with the world around you, subtly opening up your perspectives and ways of interaction. In our daily lives, we may have come across terms which are good to know but would have overlooked as we are bombarded with “infobesity” or […]

Foreign Words in the English Language

March 13, 2023

In our day-to-day living, we may have used foreign words in our English usage while speaking and writing; sometimes not knowing that it is borrowed from another language. For example, the word ‘bungalow’ whose origin is in India, means a one-storey house — usually surrounded by a ‘veranda’, another foreign word. We may have overlooked […]

June 6, 2022

The Right Word (Vol 1) The right word used in an impactful manner can transform a mediocre writer into an excellent one. Similarly, a lacklustre essay can be given a whiff of fresh air by words that appeal to the senses. One of the greatest nightmares for a presenter is to use the wrong word […]

Legal Jargons for All and Sundry

March 27, 2022

Some people are resolute in realising their dream no matter how long it takes. They may get on with their responsibilities and cares of the world, being fully immersed in the humdrum of daily living. But at the end of their mind, their dreams are always alive… awaiting the opportune moment for the flames to […]

“Cliché: Love It or Loathe It”

July 17, 2021

In our daily conversation, we may have heard people say, “Aiyoh, not that cliché again!” A cliché is a frequently used term; but what do we really mean by cliché? A cliché (pronounced Klee -Shey) is an expression which was thought-provoking when first coined but soon became an overkill. People overused them and it ended a […]

How to Pronounce Like a Pro (Vol 3)

February 19, 2021

The reason why a person wants to pronounce correctly varies. Some would want to sound like the native speakers of the language while others find it embarrassing mispronouncing words especially while giving a speech or in a social setting. Whatever the reason may be, the desire for improving yourself is commendable. A bartender friend recounted […]

Flower & Plants Themed Idioms

January 30, 2021

Idioms are great fun to toy with. They are a type of phrases which use figurative language whereby the words may not mean anything concerning the phrase. It’s a bizarre way to communicate — illogical and yet so effective! As students, it was common to add an idiomatic phrase into our composition to embellish it […]

Animal-themed Idiomatic Phrases

November 26, 2020

Idioms are great fun to toy with. They are a type of phrases which uses figurative language whereby the words may not mean anything concerning the phrase. It’s a bizarre way to communicate — illogical and yet so effective! As students, it was common to add an idiomatic phrase into our composition to embellish it […]

5 Commonly Used and Yet Obscure Terms

October 22, 2020

In our daily lives, we may have come across terms which are good to know, but we might have overlooked them as we are bombarded with “infobesity” or information overload. Then again, some of these terms may be worth knowing as it gives a feeling of empowerment in our daily activities; e.g. while meeting our […]

5 Commonly Used And Yet Obscure Terms (Vol 4)

August 6, 2020

In our daily lives, we may have come across terms which are good to know, but we might have overlooked them as we are bombarded with “infobesity” or information overload. Then again, some of these terms may be worth knowing as it gives a feeling of empowerment in our daily activities; e.g. while meeting our […]